Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fixing Internet Explorer 7

IE7 crashed today after I used the reset function in attempt to get RDP working.

The problem is, it will just keep bringing up the runonce page asking you to set your search engine etc every time you open Internet Explorer.

This happened in Windows XP Pro SP3 with all the latest patches thru 7/2009.

Here's the fix:

1. Start -> Run -> regedit.exe
2. Then open HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main
3. Create a New DWORD called RunOnceHasShown and give a value of 1
4. Create a New DWORD called RunOnceComplete and give a value of 1
5. Restart Internet Explorer

So much for Microsoft's lame attempt to ruin my workday. ;-)